
Ringo Chui

Hello, I am a computer science student currently studying at York University.

Ringo Chui

/ˈrə-nGgō chü-​ē/
Born: March 12, 1999
Resides in: Toronto, Ontario
( Student / Developer / Graphic Designer )

Profile Picture

About Me

My name is Ringo Chui and I am a Software Developer from Toronto, Ontario. I have received a diploma in Computer Engineering Technology from Seneca College and am currently working to get a bachelor's degree in Computer Science at York University. I am very passionate about the world of technology, I enjoy playing around with computers whether it'd be with software or hardware. In my free time you'll find me playing video games with my friends, going out and shooting some hoops or fooling around in Photoshop or Premiere Pro.

Familiar with the following:


  • C, C++, C#
  • Python
  • Java
  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Bash


  • Git
  • SQLite
  • Oracle SQL Developer
  • PostMan
  • Node.JS
  • Figma
  • Photoshop
  • Premiere Pro


  • React
  • Express
  • Next.JS
  • Chakra UI


© 2022 Ringo Chui
built with Next.JS and Chakra UI
hosted on Github Pages